Thursday 28 July 2011

Leftover vinyl flooring, and what to do with it?

I *like* vinyl, in lots of ways, tho I loathe the smell that hangs around just after its been laid. Fortunately, after the last lot, I went on holiday :)

And now, I come back home to lots of bits of vinyl - some are really big, 3 metres by two, others tiny, a foot wide by three long. So, what to do? This is what I've thought of so far:

- put a big piece underneath a rug thats on the ground floor - it can act as extra insulation, and will hopefully feel quite luxurious underfoot.

- use at my computer desk as a floor protector. I haven't used one previously, and the flooring was literally about to wear through after a decade of intensive use, ballooning in a very unattractive manner, shall we say!

- I have an old table on the patio outside, which I'm planning to put on its side and transform into a turf bin - I'm slowly digging up the grass so I can extend my borders - I'm planting herbs at the moment - mint, creeping thyme, ordinary thyme and oregano are in at the moment. The table will keep the slowly-growing stack of turf clods off the wooden fence at the back, and I'm planning to nail squares of the spare vinyl between the side legs of the table to keep it all in place.

- not sure about this one, but I was thinking I could construct a dust cover for my mahoosive all-in-one printer/scanner/copier, rather than buying one in the shops.

- I really don't know about using it as a mulch in the garden, I don't think its appropriate - its not water permeable, for a start. Well, thats a finish, really, isn't it. If its not permeable, it can't really be used in the garden. And because its not bendy enough to bend around clods of earth, it would provide *lovely* cover for slugs and snails. Don't think I want to go there.

Any other ideas gratefully received!


  1. I've just thought of another use .... as part of a heatshield on my new table! There's a tablecloth on, but I don't want to risk creating rings with hot mugs of tea on my beautiful little table, which was a gift a couple of months ago. Because there's a tablecloth, I could even use the pieces that are only a foot wide or so, and tape them together. Ha!

  2. Bottom of shopping bags? Those square ones?

    As a shoe store area (under the shoes?)

    In the garden, hmm, too slippy for paving or the odd stepping stone from the house?

    Floor of the shed?
