Monday 27 February 2012

Another long absence

Oh dear. I've been gone a long time again - lots of excuses jolly good reasons this time. I'm self employed and I was doing my accounts (got them in the day before the deadline, hurray). Then I buried myself in housework and springcleaning for a fortnight, because I was due to have an operation on 14th February - nice, huh! I had the operation, and all has gone swimmingly, but it *is* an operation, after all, and moving my shoulder just downright hurts. Including typing, after a while.

My eyes, however, are as good as ever, and my left arm is fine, so when I've been awake, I've been having a ball wandering about all over the web, blogs, ebooks, newspapers, forums, you name it. Even facebook, god help me. Not posting very much, of course, but reading (plus a few reallly crappy dvds have come my way, that helps) and I've been making plans fit to bust. Its been a lot of fun!

Still thinking, still plotting, still determined to live the way I want to live. I'll be back, as Arnie said so unforgettably ...