Thursday 30 September 2010

Using our time

I've been thinking about this quite a lot recently, both before and after the move. And I'm convinced that good use of our time is extremely green - deep, dark luscious green, actually :)

Of course, permaculture theory said it first, with zones in the garden according to how often you visit each one, and planting to go with ease and accessibility - herbs by the kitchen door, wildlife area furthest away from it, and so on. And they have taken it into the house as well.

But its more than that, its across everything - like the old time management studies, but in a green way - the less energy goes into doing something, the more energy is conserved - either to do other things, or to be left where it is. In relation to time, that means that either we can fit something in (like, going into town and visiting half a dozen shops or banks or charities or whatever) or have the time free (to sit in our green gardens and admire the flowers, or read a book).

The point is liberation!

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