Sunday 25 July 2010

Been on holiday ....

And its made me think. Loved it, of course, but I was thinking about this blog on the way back.

There was a microwave in the self catering cottage we rented, of course. And there was an induction hob, which I think is the most efficient form of cooking: but it was a weird one - there was no indicator on the switch to tell you which way the thing was pointing! How mad is that? With the result that we were constantly switching the it on and off to check whether or not it was on. It was a bit mad.

How do we know how long to charge rechargeable batteries? We're always being moaned at for leaving them on for too long, but how long is long enough?

There were no energy saving lights at all, zilch. And the cistern on both toilets was huge! *And* the taps were practically flooding the basins, they let through so much water. I appreciate that people don't want to feel so careful when they're on holiday, but I'm sure there are some issues there for landlords - things can be done that would make no difference at all to the experience for the holidaymakers, but would make a fairly substantial difference to their own bills. And I'm equally sure some of that could be applied to us as homeowners.

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