Friday 9 July 2010

Energy Saving Trust website on water

Under the "At Home" section, Water is one of the seven main areas. The fun bit there is the energy calculator, which takes you through each room in your house, but it wildly overestimated my costs, and so probably my useage too - by a factor of over 100%

It said I should be paying £280 for 48,800 litres of water, and I actually pay £120, with £50 credit having built up on that basis. The savings suggested were watering my garden morning or evening, to avoid evaporation - I already do this; to save £10/4000 litres a year, to use a shower rather than a bath, to save £11/2,900 litres a year - a bath is a treat for me, not a regular thing, so I've discounted this suggestion; and to fit a trigger nozzle on the garden hosepipe instead of having a continuous flow. This would save £11/4,500 litres a year. And thats a really great suggestion, but out of place in this report, as I'd told it I didn't use a hosepipe!

So the calculator is quite fun, but not particularly intelligent.

There's a guide to how to instal a water butt - excellent! There's currently no videos on youtube about it that I can find, so this is helpful, even as simple photos.

There are water saving tips - basic, but there doesn't seem to be as many ways to save water as there to save fuel, for instance, so I'll take what I can get. Some day, I'll write up *all* the tips :)

Water efficient products - now, this is the real deal! Shower heads, appliances, insulation, toilets, taps, butts, hoses and labelling. Fantastic! This gives me a really great idea of where to start in my new house.

Quite a bit for the garden, including more tips - I think the garden is going to need a separate blog :)

Hmmm.... Water Saving Week was in June, just a few weeks ago as I'm writing this. I certainly never noticed. As the school reports used to say, Could Do Better.

Some good links - including Water Wise, the Consumer Council for Water, the Environment Agency, and the Bathroom Manufacturers Association's Water Efficient Product Labelling Scheme. I've already taken note of quite a few organisations around water - how many does the UK need, exactly? I bet they all have their own tips pages, as well.

There's a video! It says its on youtube, hmmm...and its Kate Humble. With water saving tips. Damn, I'm *definitely* going to make a page of tips.

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