Tuesday 26 October 2010

Recharging. Oh, and Researching.

This has caused me some thought over the past few weeks. We're all told not to charge *anything* longer than it needs - and okay, my mobile has a little signal on the screen that says when its had enough, so I can unplug it comparatively quickly.

But nothing else that I own has that! My handy little mains gadget for recharging AA and AAA batteries doesn't, my cordless screwdriver that has its own charger doesn't, all sorts of things - why not? Is it just that the versions I've got are comparatively old, and they do nowadays? I bet it isn't just that ... but because of this, we're wasting who knows how much electricity in unnecessary recharging. I'm not happy about it, but I can't see an individual solution, apart from doing complicated mathematical equations about current and wattage and amperage and so on, and while I know those words, I have no real concept of what they mean or how to do anything useful, sadly.

In fact, thats something else that stands out - how much research is needed if you're going to go green - its a full time job, no wonder on those property programmes everyone is up till 2am writing letters and whatnot. I've just had the plastering done in and around the 2nd toilet, the upstairs one. And the labourer was laughing and telling me how toxic the dust was..... I have no idea what's in wall plaster, and this is something I should have known, if I'd wanted to have as green a house as possible.

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