Saturday 26 June 2010


I've always just moved in before, and got on with it the way it was, but this time I want to make sure the house is the way I want it right from the start.

The first thing is to get the outbuilding re-roofed, since asbestos is currently being used there: cue lots of research.

Next, as the bathroom is downstairs, and there's a trek through the living room to get to it as well, I want a toilet upstairs.

And the other, which I'm more ambivalent about, is having the present multifuel stove taken out, and replaced by a gas fire. I'm sad about it, but I grew up with one, and what I remember is emptying out the ashes early in the morning, and having to go out to the coal shed late at night - not that I ever did it, that was my brother's job. But I have no intention of starting now!

Those are the main ones; others are suggested by the surveyor on the fairly comprehensive survey I had done, and some are my own idea. For instance, the house itself is cavity walled, but the porch is single skin. So putting cavity wall insulation in is going to help, if its the *right* sort, but the porch will always let it down, so I have to research efficient and green ways of insulating that.

This is going to be a great adventure, I'm really looking forward to all of this! The property as a whole is slightly smaller than I have now, so I need to get rid of some stuff, which is very freeing in its own right. And I want to use what I have first, of course, even if it isn't the green option if I was buying it new. I already have it, so it might as well be used. I'm pretty sure that applies to a lot of the loft insulation I have - we'll see.

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